Yves d’Udekem, M.D., Ph.D., named as The Baier Family Distinguished Professor of Cardiac Surgery

Yves d'UdekemChildren’s National Hospital named Yves d’Udekem, M.D., Ph.D., as The Baier Family Distinguished Professor of Cardiac Surgery at Children’s National Hospital.

Dr. d’Udekem serves as chief of cardiac surgery at Children’s National Hospital, co-director of Children’s National Heart Institute, and professor of surgery and pediatrics, The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

About the award

Dr. d’Udekem joins a distinguished group of 42 Children’s National physicians and scientists who hold an endowed chair. Professorships at Children’s National support groundbreaking work on behalf of children and their families and foster new discoveries and innovations in pediatric medicine. These appointments carry prestige and honor that reflect the recipient’s achievements and donor’s forethought to advance and sustain knowledge.

Amy and Bret Baier, through their vision and generosity, are ensuring that Dr. d’Udekem and future holders of this professorship will launch bold, new initiatives to rapidly advance the field of pediatric cardiac surgery, elevate our leadership and improve the lifetimes of children with special hearts.

About the donors

The Baiers’ oldest son Paul was born with five congenital heart defects and needed open heart surgery when he was just 12 days old. He has since had three more open heart surgeries and countless procedures and visits to Children’s National. Dr. d’Udekem serves as Paul’s current heart surgeon.

Amy serves as Board Chair of Children’s National Hospital Foundation. Amy and Bret have served numerous times as co-chairs of the Children’s Ball, and Bret has emceed since 2008. They also are co-chairs for follow the leader, the hospital’s comprehensive campaign to fund bold initiatives in pediatric medicine. Children’s National is grateful for the Baiers’ generosity, leadership and commitment.

“I am forever grateful for the Baiers’ generosity and dedication to Children’s National,” said Kurt Newman, M.D., president and CEO of Children’s National Hospital. “With this endowed professorship, Yves will advance the field of pediatric cardiac surgery for kids with special hearts. I am honored to call Amy and Bret friends and partners in pediatric care.”