Tackling bias – the power of one

Marva Moxey MimsIn the most recent edition of the American Society of Pediatric Nephrology’s Kidney Notes, Children’s National Hospital Chief of Nephrology, Marva Moxey-Mims, M.D., wrote a perspective piece asking other providers to join her in an effort to see patients as a whole person and try to put aside personal biases, thereby improving overall patient care.

In this personal commentary, Dr. Moxey-Mims reflects on challenging herself to better serve patients by making sure they feel seen and to understand them. “Just think of the ripple effect if we can do this with even a fraction of our patients,” said Dr. Moxey-Mims. “The goodwill that patients will feel knowing that we are trying to see them is immeasurable.”

You can read the entire article “Tackling Bias – The Power of One” here.