In the News: Regenerative brain cells and the circadian clock

Screen grab of Dr. Terry Dean and Dr. Vittorio Gallo webinar

“I am a pediatric intensivist, and I am very interested in some of the pathologies and conditions that I come across in the ICU. We hatched this question that revolved around the idea: what can we do for TBI (traumatic brain injury) patients to enhance their cellular regeneration? …  We looked at NG2-glia in particular, otherwise known as oligodendrocyte precursor cells. They are about 2-8% of the brain…. Do these cells respond to sleep and circadian rhythm? Is it a factor? Does it help? Does it hurt?”

Find out more about what Terry Dean, M.D., Ph.D., says he has learned about these and other questions through his recent research with interim Chief Academic Officer Vittorio Gallo, Ph.D. They join the Society for Neuroscience in a webinar on the circadian rhythms of these important brain cells and how their regeneration may be used someday to promote healing after brain injuries.