Early-onset scoliosis etiology has greatest impact on long-term patient-reported outcomes

Osteopath examining boy's spine

A new study found underlying etiology of early-onset scoliosis has a significant impact on long-term patient reported outcomes.

Health-related quality of life is an important parameter to assess in the treatment of early-onset scoliosis (EOS). Understanding the impact of surgical intervention on a patient’s quality of life will help set patient expectations and can be useful in shared decision making around treatment options. A study published in Spine Deformity found underlying etiology of EOS has a significant impact on long-term patient reported outcomes.

What’s been the hold-up in the field?

“There is limited understanding of how our surgical interventions affect patient reported quality of life because a validated patient outcome tool has been lacking,” says Matthew Oetgen, M.D., M.B.A., chief of Orthopaedics at Children’s National Hospital and one of the study’s authors. “The recent development and use of the Early Onset Scoliosis Questionnaire (EOSQ) allows us to assess patient reported outcomes.”

How does this work move the field forward?

Underlying etiology has a significant impact in the long-term patient reported outcome. This information will allow surgeons and families to understand the impact of surgical intervention, set expectations, give a baseline for expected patient benefit from treatments and indicate when other assessments should be undertaken to improve patient outcomes.

How will this work benefit patients?

Many patients report good outcomes with surgical intervention for EOS. This will allow us to reassure patients and families we can make a positive impact in their lives when treating EOS, which is a very stressful diagnosis.

You can read the full study, Impact of surgical treatment on parent-reported health related quality of life measures in early-onset scoliosis: stable but no improvement at 2 years, in Spine Deformity.