Diagnosing and monitoring of urogenital schistosomiasis

Micrograph of human parasite Schistosoma mansonii

Urogenital schistosomiasis (UGS) is caused by egg-laying S. haematobium worms dwelling within the veins draining the main pelvic organs, including the bladder, uterus, and cervix.

Although urogenital schistosomiasis remains a major global challenge, Michael Hsieh, M.D., Ph.D., director of Transitional Urology at Children’s National Hospital, and other experts including Eglal Shalaby Rana, M.D., from Children’s National, show in a new study published in Advances in Parasitology that newer refinements in associated technologies may lead to improvements in patient care.

In addition, application of investigational imaging methods, such as confocal laser endomicroscopy and two-photon microscopy in urogenital schistosomiasis, are likely to contribute to the understanding of this infection’s pathogenesis.

Read the full study in Advances in Parasitology.