CME: Bracing and casting in the pediatric orthopaedic surgery clinic

Dr. Sean Tabaie talks to a patient with a castJoin Children’s National Hospital for a pre-recorded Continuing Medical Education (CME) presentation on Bracing and Casting in the Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery Clinic: Improving Patient Care through Understanding and Troubleshooting. This 90-minute presentation will focus on bracing and casting in pediatric spinal deformity, trauma, cerebral palsy and sports medicine. The session offers one (1) CME credit and features Matthew Oetgen, M.D., M.B.A., Jeffrey Peck, M.D., Sean Tabaie, M.D., M.S., M.B.A., and Keyur Desai, M.D.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn the common types of braces and casts used to treat patients in pediatric orthopedic out-patient clinics.
  • Understand indications for use, appropriate fitting, and patient questions to assess commonly used braces and casts.
  • Recognize complications associated with braces and casts in children and learn how to trouble-shoot these issues to improve patient care and safety.

Click here to view the presentation.

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  1. Log into your INOVA CME account, or create an account:
  2. Credit for this session can be claimed in one of two ways:
    1. Text session code “QUXSEV” to 703-260-9391
    2. Enter the session code “QUXSEV” at​​​​​

You have 30 days from March 1, 2024, to claim credit.